The Millennial Miss - The Babe Behind the Blog

about chelsea

An everyday girl that keeps a smile on her face no matter what curve ball life throws her way. I’m a shower singer, Scorpio to the T and suffers from an obsession with vanilla scented candles. Besides “content creator” my roles are split between being a daughter, a loving sister, a loyal friend and a blushing newlywed. The concept of Millennial Miss came to me as I was sitting on the beach in Los Angeles with a pen and paper in hand. The site went live in December of 2014 and I haven’t looked back since. I’m humbled and excited to share all of life’s moments with you!

about us

So, here’s the deal. The Millennial Miss is dedicated to you, the evolving woman. This inclusive community has a ‘come as you are’ kind of vibe. With each post we will break down all of life’s relationships and advice, not just relationship advice. As topics shift, the spotlight will remain on the relationship with yourself – the foundation of it all. Together, we will fearlessly navigate through the ups and downs of this crazy thing called life. TMM is a single source destination of inspirational yet relatable content. Welcome to the ultimate band of babes! 

Drop a note!
I would love to hear from you! Come say hey :)