To Arizona we go ...

To Arizona we go ...


Have you ever looked at you best friend and said, “Let’s just go!” Those three little words are what prompted a last minute road trip this past weekend. My girlfriend and I decided we wanted to check Arizona off our travel bucket list so, to AZ we went. In all honesty, we had an extremely mellow weekend. After checking in to a quiet and adorable resort – we headed to the pool, raised our strawberry {vodka} lemonades to a girls weekend and may or may not have taken a long snooze under the sun. The rest of the weekend consisted of plenty of life chats, treating our selves to ice cream, laughing and even a beautiful tour via horseback!

Having a get away does not need to break the bank. If you are itching to get out of town but are watching the dollar signs then be smart about it. Make sure to check sites like Groupon before booking a hotel or when looking for things to do in a new area. Remember, vacations can absolutely be simple and sweet. Throw cute outfits in a bag, grab a friend and go!

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Expectation Vs. Reality

Expectation Vs. Reality

