The Hero Ingredient: ‘Hypochlorous Acid’

The Hero Ingredient: ‘Hypochlorous Acid’

If you follow me on Instagram you know that I enjoy sharing safer swaps when it comes to products. From personal products to baby products to household products and everything in between, I’ve vowed to share with you items that I feel fall into the “better for you” category. 

That being said, I was the one who was influenced a few years ago when I saw a fellow mom chatting about the product she swore by that helped her little one’s diaper rashes clear right up. 

….. I immediately added it to cart.

*You know I’ll never gate keep so before we go into a deeper dive the product is called Active Skin Repair and it is a non-toxic solution that helps support the body’s natural healing process for minor cuts, scrapes, rashes, chafing, burns and other forms of skin damage.*

Anyway, let’s get back to my riveting story …

As I was typing in my CC number I didn’t realize not only how incredibly multifunctional this spray was but also how quickly it would become a tried and true staple item in our household. 

Cut to years later, we are a big fan of Active Skin Report and after repeatedly sharing it on my IG it’s still one of the product swaps that I consistently receive DM/s of praise about. 

Now to the good stuff …

Ingredient labels are where I geek out a bit so hang in there with me and keep reading - you may just learn something new ! The unsung hero in their ingredients is by far “Hypochlorous Acid.” By definition Hypochlorous acid is an antimicrobial molecule naturally produced by our own body’s immune response and a crucial part of the healing process. During infection, sickness, or inflammation,  white blood cells produce Hypochlorous Acid: to target foreign bacteria and promote healing. Recent  scientific advancements allow the hypochlorous molecule to be replicated and stabilized using  natural/nontoxic ingredients. 

Furthermore, hypochlorous acid is a strong natural antimicrobial stopping 99% of bacteria, viral and fungal microorganisms within 15 seconds! Only stopping the bad bacteria, while leaving the good. All while being safe enough to use around eyes, ear nose and mouth. Unlike other antimicrobials and topical antibiotics hypochlorous acid is completely non-toxic and because it is innate to the immune system there are no known allergic reactions. 

Pretty neat, huh? 

So if you had “find a natural non-toxic, clinically proven, multi-functional skin repair product that doesn’t sting” - look no further. You can head over to Active Skin Repair’s website to purchase and read more about their products. OH and use code “chel10” at checkout to save a buck or two. 

As always, I’d love to hear from you ! Let me know what other product swaps may be helpful to dive into. 

Take care of your skin,


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