8 Ways To Get Your Shit Together - Right Now

8 Ways To Get Your Shit Together - Right Now

After a week of traveling, a career change, an emotional high and trying to find time to squeeze in a workout and go grocery shopping I was over the top exhausted and felt like I couldn’t, for the life of me, get my shit together. In the middle of throwing a second grade tantrum it occurred that the older I get the more I realize that we are all in fact just winging in: life, eyeliner, everything. As I wiped the overly dramatic tears off my cheek I knew that it was time to get back on the life saddle and feel like me again. I spent the rest of my Sunday afternoon taking care of myself and indulging in the littlest pleasures that made me feel like a functioning human.

If you too are having one of those days, weeks, or months here’s a list of quick fixes I do to make myself feel that I, somewhat, have my shit together.

1.    Be Like Elle Woods
You know that scene in Legally Blonde when Elle practically gets into a car accident because she went swerving into the nail salon? Well, do that. Actually, do that minus the whole driving like a crazy person part. If your nails are chipped or if you’re over due for a manicure treat yourself to a mani / pedi. I know I’m not the only one in the world who believes that there is serious magic in a manicure! Pick your favorite color, enjoy being pampered and walk out of the salon with an extra pep in your step.

2.    Sweat It Out
Nothing says “I have my life together” quite like crushing a set of squats, right? Right. It is a scientific fact that sweating makes you feel better. Lace up your Nikes, throw in your headphones and go do SOMETHING. Run, walk, spin, hike, jump, box, lift weights, crawl – whatever it is, you will feel like a million bucks once you’re done.

3.  Paint It On
If I could use only one makeup product for the rest of my life it would be mascara. Ok fine, I would sneak concealer with me too. Regardless, of my personal preference, makeup can be a game changer on those days where you feel like the world is spinning too quickly. Whether you full blown paint your face as if you’re about to walk a red carpet or if you purely dab some concealer to hide the circles under your eyes pick your poison and I guarantee that you will feel the slightest bit better.

4.  Unplug
Say it with me: u-n-p-l-u-g. That means put your phone down, you have my word that you will survive an hour without social media. Take it from experience, in the midst of an ‘off’ day one of the worst things that you could do to yourself is scroll through platforms where everyone else’s life seems to be picture perfect. My suggestion is to avoid it all together! #NoFilter

5.   Caffeinate
Speaking of social media, whoever made the quote “throw your hair in a bun, drink some coffee, put on some gansta rap and handle it” go viral, you’re my spirit animal. I won’t get into the coffee or tea debate but I will say for those days that you’re feeling extra anxious or stressed I would swap out your latte for a tea or even better yet – water!

6.  Netflix And (For Real) Chill
Sometimes the best way to get your life back together is to take a moment to unwind and just relax. If there’s a show you’ve been dying to jump on the bandwagon of log into Netflix and watch an episode or two. Warning: do not get sucked into an entire series or before you know it you will have wasted an entire afternoon and feel even worse then before you started!! PS: Please send me your favorite shows, I need suggestions!

7.    Do Your Chores
Apartment a mess? Clean it. And by clean it I mean scrub it until you make your momma proud. Laundry dirty? Do it. Calendar unorganized? Get it situated. Inbox overflowing with emails? Go through each of them. Yes, all of them. Once your floors are clean enough to eat off of and you have enough clean underwear for the next two weeks you will feel like a champion.

8.    Reflect On Your Shit
All jokes and cursing aside take time out of your hectic day to reflect on your bad ass accomplishments and happiness that is spread throughout your life. Remember that you are most likely your worst critic so while you might be banging your head against a wall there is someone out there that looks up to you and admires your every move. Be thankful for the stressful days because it means you’re alive and riding the waves of life. 

What would you add to this list? Would love to hear from you!

Grateful for the bumps,


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