Chic and Comfortable Airport Outfits For The Everyday Girl

Chic and Comfortable Airport Outfits For The Everyday Girl

Your bags are (over) packed, you're checked into your flight and it's almost time to head to the airport. BUT FIRST - what are you going to wear?! Don't stress. The below linked items are easy pieces that will transform you into the chicest most comforter traveler there ever was.  Go on, strut your cute self down the terminal! 

Regardless of your destination, you can't go wrong with sporting a good ole t-shirt to the airport. Here are some fun logo T's mixed with solids and stripes - take your pick! 

I am all for a comfy pair of jogger pants when traveling. There is nothing worse then sitting in tight pants for hours on end. If you are traveling for business, don't fear! You can absolutely dress up joggers without compromising comfort. 

So, joggers or sweats aren't your thing. That's fine! Here are a few of my favorite boyfriend / wide leg fitting denim that are perfect to nail the airport chic look! 

Boarding a flight without a comfortable sweatshirt tucked in your carry on should be considered a sin. When the plane is freezing cold or you want to lean your head against the window, you'll be thankful you have this cozy little number at arms reach. The below sweatshirts come in a variety of colors so make sure not judge a book by it's cover ;)

Oh so you're more of a cardigan girl? I feel you, I feel you. These versatile cardigans are a staple to have hanging in your closet! From traveling to a business meeting to a movie date night  - you'll be living in this outwear! 

There is something about traveling in an open toe shoe that gives me the heebie-jeebies. Let' face it, airports and airplanes are not the cleanest of places - cover up! There are a few factors that should go into choosing your airport shoe. Comfort level is, of course, high on the list. Some terminals are, what feels to be, miles long. If you're getting your daily steps in you want do so without getting a blister. Another factor is what is the easiest to take off at security? If you don't have TSA Precheck then you don't want to be THAT person in line taking 10 minutes to unbuckle their shoes. Wearing a slide on shoe or something that you can easily untie is totally the way to go! 

I'm currently crushing on backpacks, especially when it comes to traveling. Lugging around a heavy bag on one shoulder is less than ideal. You gotta even that 'ish out - it's only fair to the other shoulder!! The below backpacks are functional and are IG approved for your #AirportLook post. Oh, I also included a tote for good measure!

Safe travels,

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