Overwhelmed with life? Here's what to do
When it rains, it pours. You know those times when life feels massively overwhelming and juggling a million things at once turns into falling on your face? You’re not alone. Through my eyes, the secret to survival is knowing that you can do everything but not everything at the same time. The other half is knowing that actually no one has it all figured out ;)
For those days, weeks or months where you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders give the below a try.
Oh and girl remember, YOU GOT THIS.
The first step in getting back to your confident productive self is figuring out what factors are temporary and which ones are permanent. Is it your “busy” time at work that’s causing the extra weight? If so, truck through it and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Categorize each element that is causing you to feel engulfed and game plan from there.
9 times out of 10 you will feel like a new person once you let it all out. Call a trust friend or family member and unleash, unleash it all. Talk through the problem(s), shed a tear, dissect the situation from every angle and then move on. Put your big girl pants back one and put one foot in front of the other.
Say it with me: I need help. I need h-e-l-p. Those four letters are incredibly powerful and nothing to be afraid of. Asking for help does not show a sign a weakness! If you need help with your children, with a project at work, with navigating through a relationship bump, with scheduling priorities or with all of the above – ask for it. You may be surprised who lends a helping hand.
Let’s take it back to the basics. Time management is EVERYTHING. That frantic overwhelming feeling could be brewing from a place of disorganization. If that is the case, then do yourself a favor and sit down to literally map out your day. Time block when you are doing what and when you are going where. Having and sticking to a schedule will aid in lowering your stress level.
Balance in life is key and should be handled with the utmost care. Before you implode and burn out, take a break. In those moments of slowing down and giving yourself time to recharge your batteries can also help put things into perspective. Unplug, unwind and just be.
Hang in there,
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