7 Holistic Ways to Practice Self-Care

7 Holistic Ways to Practice Self-Care

Prioritizing your needs may not come easily to you. However, a holistic self-care practice is essential to optimal well-being. Although it might feel uncomfortable to put yourself first, it’s necessary to address your feelings and nurture your mind, body and spirit. Here are seven self-care strategies for better health.

1. Spend Time Outside

Spending time in nature has positive emotional and physical effects on the body. According to researchers, just 120 minutes outside weekly can reduce depression, increase physical activity and lower the risk of disease. Nature’s calming effect releases stress-lowering hormones and boosts happiness. Some people even feel inspired creatively after immersing themselves in greenery. There are many ways to integrate nature into your self-care routine. Commit to a daily walk inthe park, gardening, reading a book on the patio or simply observing your surroundings. With enough sunshine and fresh air, you’ll be on your way to better health.

2. Practice Mindfulness

Living in the past and worrying about the future does little good, which is why you need mindfulness to stay present. These routines bring awareness to your thoughts, sensations and emotions. Although some people incorporate movement-based yoga or tai chi into their mindfulness practice, you only need to engage the senses and focus on your breath. Sit in a comfortable position and recognize the rise and fall of your chest as you inhale and exhale. You might also pay attention to the cooling feeling of air in your nostrils. Body scans are another technique used to grow awareness of different body parts. Most people start at the top of their heads and work their way down to their toes.

3. Nourish Your Body

Eating healthy is one of the kindest ways to practice holistic self-care. A well-rounded diet with fresh produce, whole grains and lean protein keeps your body strong and healthy. Likewise, some foods are excellent for increasing your mental health. For instance, omega-3 fatty acids in lower the risk of depression and can help treat it. Eating the recommended servings of fruit and vegetables, as well, has countless benefits for both body and mind.

4. Practice Gratitude

When life gives you lemons, staying positive can be a real challenge. Fortunately, a gratitude practice can shift your outlook and remind you to appreciate the good things life offers. Gratitude counters negativity, reduces stress and encourages contentment and happiness. It also builds resilience to cope with difficulties as they arise.You can practice gratitude by writing down three things you are thankful for daily — a notebook is a great tool to create a habit and reflect on the past. Otherwise, some people reflect on their gratitude during yoga and meditation practices.

5. Perform Acts of Kindness

Self-care might suggest prioritizing yourself. However, performing acts of kindness and putting others first feels good for your soul. Lending a helping hand promotes social connection, which studies indicate reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. It also enhances life satisfaction.It doesn’t take much to be kind to others. Even helping older people carry their groceries from the car to their kitchen will improve your mood.

6. Enjoy a Relaxing Massage

You shouldn’t overlook the importance of interpersonal touch in your holistic self-care practice.Gentle touch releases oxytocin in the brain and improves mental health. It also increases circulation and alleviates stiff muscles. Of course, a massage from a certified massage therapist can be expensive, so you’ll want to give yourself daily massages at home to reap the rewards. For example, abhyanga has been a critical component of traditional Ayurvedic medicines for centuries, using long strokes and warm oil to soothe the body.

7. Get Creative

Many people turn to creative arts when adopting self-care, including writing, painting, music, cultural exploration or digital art. Although you may enjoy creative works for entertainment, ancient texts dated between 200 BC and 200 AD suggest the Hindu god Brahma created a dance to fight stress, fear, anger and other negative emotions. The body often responds to creative pursuits with emotional regulation, improved immunity and hormonal reactivity, less loneliness, greater social connection and healthy coping mechanisms. The next time you feel low, isolated or anxious, try nurturing yourself with artistic expression. Live Your Best Life With Holistic Self-Care It’s OK to prioritize your needs while showing up for everyone else. By adopting a holistic self- care practice, you can achieve joy and relaxation. Start doing feel-good things you love and want to attain your happiest self.

Author bio:
Cora Gold is a wellness writer and editor of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist. She covers self-care and healthy living for publications including YouAligned and Om Yoga. Connect with Cora on LinkedIn, Pinterest and X.

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