4 Resolutions To Improve Your Relationship

4 Resolutions To Improve Your Relationship

We are constantly being motivated to set intentions for work, to mark down fitness goals or to manifest our dream home so, why not do the same thing with our love life? Setting resolutions to improve your relationship is just as important as all the pieces listed above. So, let’s put our goal-digger hat on and get hyped to chat about relationship resolutions that you and your partner can set and tackle together.


Ah, technology.
It can be quite the catch 22 - especially when it comes to spending time with your significant other. Have you ever “spent time together” only to realize how little of it you actually spent focusing on each other? Maybe you busy aimlessly scrolling on IG or you were too focused on snapping the perfect selfie #DateNight or the notifications of your work emails sucked you in. Whatever the case may be, you paying attention to your phone leaves little time to give your partner your undivided attention.

That’s where resolution #1 comes into play. Make an agreement with your other half to put your phone away for at least some of your time together. You may be amazed how much more connected you feel!



So you’ve been together for a good chunk of time and you feel like your relationship is marching to a solid rhythm. While that is all well and fine the key is to acknowledge that relationships, like yourself, are forever evolving. Think about it this way; over the past year(s) it’s fair to say that in some capacity you’ve changed, your priorities have shifted and or your life has evolved - yes? If you shook your head in agreement then this resolution is for you. Like you, your partnership is evolving and changing with each season of life so blindly marching to your relationship rhythm may not be the best approach to take. Instead of going through the motions, day in and day out, make it a priority to check in with each other and positively grant and open space to grow and change - together.

If you’re looking for a place to start, jot down a set of talking points and or questions that will give each of you equal room to listen to each other while voicing your own thoughts, feelings and or concerns. Open ended questions are the best road to take! Use this check in time to each other your undivided attention and gift your relationship the space to grow with you as a pair.

Try Something New


Have you ever had the fear that you and your spouse will run out of things to talk about? Or that you will fall into a mouse trap of being overly dependent on one another? Or how about the horrid thought that you’ll be stuck in the same routine for the rest of your life?

The good news is, you aren’t alone for having those thoughts.
The better news is, there is an easy fix to all the above.


I think sometimes we get entirely tangled up in that term and therefore put an insane amount of pressure on ourselves. Trying something new does not necessarily mean that you need to go through the extreme of jumping out a plane to keep your relationship fresh and exciting. Trying out new things, on a small or big scale, and can just what the relationship doctor ordered. Whether it be taking a cooking class, collaborating on a home project or experimenting in the bedroom * hubba hubba* all are solid options to things fun and exciting.

And for my girls who feel like they are drowning a bit in the independent department, it’s time for you to honor that. Before you are a spouse, you are your own person and your relationship should reflect that. If you are itching for alone time or have been eyeing a solo hobby - do your thing sister! Don’t stand in your own way.



Want to know what goes a long way in a relationship? Acknowledging each other. Acknowledging your appreciation for your counterpart. Acknowledging the small gestures as well as the big one’s. As time ticks on, it’s easy to let acknowledgement slip away. Remember back in the beginning when you would always thank your partner for taking out the trash or pouring you a cup of coffee - do you still do that? Or do you hardly bat an eye lash? I’m not suggesting that you need to pull out the red carpet every time your partner checks a chore off the list but on the same wave length, a genuine thank you or acknowledgement will go a long way. Trust me. By regularly expressing your gratitude and affection towards your partner, you create a respected environment for your relationship. Being vocal with mindful comments, day in and day out, will make the difference over time.

What are some of your relationships resolutions and how are you working towards them?
Leave a comment below !

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