Stuck At Home? Here Are Some Ideas To Help Pass The Time.

Stuck At Home? Here Are Some Ideas To Help Pass The Time.

So, what now? That seems to be the question on all of our minds. I may not have answers to the coronavirus or an inside source into the government but I can help a sista out with a few ideas on how to keep busy during a time where you are urged not to do much of anything.

As a society, we are told that consistently being on the go is the only way to be.
To always be busy.
To always have a project in the works.
To always have a trip planned.
And the list goes on . . .

I know this time is full of unknowns, which can spark a wave of anxiety and fear. Please do yourself a favor, take a big inhale and exhale. See how much better you already feel? This too shall pass and we will be ok. This push to “do nothing” may be a blessing in disguise. Take care of yourself and those relationships that are most important to you. Day by day. Step by step. OK? ok.

I’d also love for you to contribute to the list - leave your ideas in the comment section below !
As always, we are in this together.


  • GAME NIGHT is always a good idea. Break out the puzzles, the board games and cards.

  • GLAM IT UP you know that makeup tutorial you always wanted to watch or that hair style you’ve had your eyes on? Well, no time like the present. Lay out your makeup, pop open youtube and have yourself a day.

  • SPA DAY at home. Break out the hair and face masks because you my friend, deserve it. Paint your nails, put on white strips (I’m obsessed with Oral Essentials * use code CHEL15 at checkout for a nice little discount) light the candles and enjoy pampering yourself.

  • HAPPY HOUR via FaceTime. Pour yourself a drink, FaceTime a girlfriend and chat the night away.

  • COOKING LESSONS ! Since your fridge and pantry are (hopefully) fully stocked with all the goods, why not get a little creative with your meals. Try out a new recipe or dive into basic cooking skills 101. Use the world wide web as a source for cooking tips and tricks.

  • READ your heart out. You know all those times you were stuck at the office and all you could think about is how you wish you were at home curled up with a new book? Well, wouldn’t you know it - the time is here! Get lost in the pages of a new book and allow your mind to dive into a story far, far away. If you’re looking for book recommendations - these Instagram accounts will do the trick: @readbetweenthelattes - @_piacortez - @brightsbookshelf

  • PLAY time never goes out of style. Take your kids out in the backyard and simply play in the dirt. It’s those little moments that will bring a smile to your face during this unsettling time.

  • RECONNECT. This unexpected time with your spouse could be just what the relationship doctor ordered. Turn off the TV and give each other your undivided attention. Whether it’s talking about what’s on your mind, making out like two high schoolers on the couch or playing a conversation starter game (this is a good one via amazon) welcome and enjoy this downtime together.

  • NETFLIX bing. Yup, you knew this was coming. I recently shared a ton of show + movie recommendations on my IG stories. Missed the post? Don’t worry ! I saved it to the corona highlight on my feed. Pop some popcorn and get comfortable.


  • THE DREADED INBOX. Get all your inboxes (email, text, DMs) to the magic number of ZERO.

  • UNSUBSCRIBE from all the emails that no longer serve you. If they do not interest you or bring you value then they should not be appearing in your inbox. On that same token, make sure to subscribe to your favorite brands, blogs, etc - it’s an easy way to support and stay in the know.

  • REST is one of the best things for you. Take advantage of this time at home to catch up on all the zzzz’s that your body has surely been craving.

  • RESET your passwords. If you haven’t reset your passwords in a hot minute or are a hot mess when it comes to remembering your login + passwords, now is the time to get it organized.

  • DEEP CLEAN your living space. I’m talking a full on scrub down ! My favorite cleaning products are by Branch Basics and this link will get you $10 off your first kit. If you’re the market for an air + fabric fresheners then I recommend GROW Fragrance.

  • ORGANIZE your closet and create a donate pile. For tips on how to best detox your closet, check out this article.

  • SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX can be one of the best things you’ve done when it comes to your online life. Sit your cute self on the couch and go through the accounts that you are currently following. Ask yourself what value they bring to your everyday life and if seeing them consistently on your feed is healthy. Remember, each account has their own purpose ! Whatever their platform mission may be, my hope is that each account you ingest on a daily basis provides you with a positive takeaway.

  • WORKOUTS are not cancelled. Your fitness studio and or gym may be closed for the time being but that does not give you an excuse to not move your body. There are tons of online + app options that will keep you motivated to break a sweat . . . at home. For the sake of not completely overwhelming you, I’ll share a few of my favorites. Also, don’t forget to use both YouTube ++ Instagram as a resource for finding at home workouts! Motify / SworkIt / Freeletcis / Alo Moves / Nike Training / Pilates Anytime / Tone It Up (free for the next month)

  • PRINT PHOTOS that have been sitting in your iPhone album for months so you can frame or send to friends + family.

  • ORDER A STATIONARY if you don’t already have one handy, get one! MINTED does a beautiful job when it comes to a design marketplace.

  • SNAIL MAIL is where it’s at ! I don't know about you but receiving an unexpected piece of hand written mail instantly brings a smile to my face. Whether it’s a quick note to let a friend know how proud of them you are or to a family member letting them know how much you miss them - a small gesture such as this can go a long way.

  • REDUCE screen time, please. In my opinion, this is not a time where we should bury our nose in our phones or lock eyes with endless hours of the news. I promise that putting your phone on silent and leaving it in another room will not cause you to break out in hives. And if it does, then consider this a much needed detox. Unplug and enjoy the simple, slower things in life.

  • HOUSE PROJECTS should absolutely be on your social distancing list. Whether it’s reorganizing your kitchen or putting up wallpaper in your baby’s nursery (cough cough Robby cough cough) I’m sure there are things you can find around the house to keep yourself busy in a productive manner.

sending calming energy,

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