5 Things You Should Never Settle For
What a dirty word.
So, why do we settle? Some of us may have been kicked to the curb too many times that we forget our worth or have heard the word no too many times that it rings in our head as soon we lay our head on the pillow at night. Whatever the case may be, if you take anything away from this article let it be this: YOU ARE WORTH IT. You, my friend, should never settle. Ever.
Your Happiness
One of my favorite quotes is:
Don't finish crappy books. If you don't like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you're not on the right path, get off it. – Chris Brogran
Life is way too short to partake in situations that don’t bring you joy. I realize that some things are out of our control and or obligations that we are bound to. For those times, take a deep inhale and throw a smile across that pretty face. For the times where you have control of the reigns, choose happiness. Remember, happiness comes in different shapes, sizes and colors so focus on your own happiness and not judge that of others.
Your Friendships
Rule of thumb: Never settle for someone who wouldn't do the same for you as you would for them.
As the years pass, it will become crystal clear who is in your corner and who will only show face when it’s convenient for them. Do relationships, of any kind, take effort? Of course they do. However, they are not meant to feel like a nagging thorn in your side. Friendships are one of life’s biggest blessings and should mutually be treated as such. Your inner circle should be full of those that respect you, care for you and bring value to your life – no matter if your day is full of rainbows or grey skies.
Your Relationship
Hear me loud and clear – do not stay in a toxic relationship. Let me grab a megaphone and say that again, DO NOT STAY IN A TOXIC RELATIONSHIP. If I’m shooting you straight, I have dated some “men” who treated me nothing short of terrible. Half the time I stayed because I was entirely caught up the twisted dysfunctional never ending spiral. Other times I stayed because my self-esteem was shot to hell that I thought well, maybe this is what a relationship should be.
NEWS FLASH: It isn’t. It isn’t what a relationship should be. Stop settling for mediocre. Stop settling for disrespect. Stop settling for the 2AM fights. Stop settling for wiping your own tears. Stop. It took me being in relationships that destroyed my heart to realize raising my standards was long overdue.
Do me a favor and stand in front of a mirror. You see that gorgeous person in the reflection? She doesn’t need to be wasting her valuable time, love and attention on a mediocre person. Believe it or not, there is someone for everyone so don’t sell your love life short by settling.
Your Goals
Have you ever had someone laugh in your face when you express a dream or goal of yours?
First of all, who cares what they think anyway – AM I RIGHT?
Second of all, don’t let their incompetence put you straight on the path to settle-ville (that’s a made up word but you get my point so let’s roll with it)
I don’t need to remind you that Michael Jordan was cut from his high-school basketball team, do I? Point being, use all the no’s and hurdles and shut doors as a fire to fuel your goals. If you really want something that bad – you’ll give it your all. If you don’t, you’ll settle.
So let me ask you this, what path are you willing to take to execute your goals into a reality?
Your Career
I’m sure half of those reading this sentence would gladly walk out of their god forsaken cubicle and quickly pack a bag to travel the world with no worries in sight.
As dreamy as that sounds there’s one issue: r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-i-e-s.
What a little bitch, right?
Here’s the thing, there are points in our lives where we simply show up to a shitty job to make ends meet and then there comes a tipping point where showing up to that job will kill us and a change needs to be made. Seems kind of extreme right? It may be but it’s also true.
Finding the balance between happiness and your career can be a tricky seesaw but it is possible. If you can find something that makes you happy while keeping you financially stable, then my god sister you hit the jackpot. If you have yet to find the magic potion that’s ok! Keep on keeping on. Be smart about your decisions, clear about your career goals and make it happen. Don’t waste the rest of your life attached to some job that leaves you settling with regret. The cold hard truth is that it could take you years or working a variety of jobs before finding the one that puts an extra pep in your step in the morning. The silver lining is that it will be entirely worth it – trust me.
The choice is yours.